Your P&C

P&C Membership

The P&C is here for everyone in our school community. Our constitution states that we must maintain a register of '“Financial Members”.

Financial Membership of the P&C is $1 per year. Only Financial Members may vote at P&C meetings and hold roles in the P&C committee.

To become a financial P&C member for 2024, please click on the link below:

P&C Team 2024

President: Jessica Ryan

Vice President: Kylie York

Vice President: Jaimie Moffitt

Treasurer: Cathryn Bull

Secretary: Alison Cheek

Uniform Coordinator: Bree Forrer

Our Goals

The objectives of a P&C Association:

  • to promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation, and

  • to assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and in promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school, and

  • to encourage parent and community participation in curriculum and other education issues in schools where there is no school council.

What we do

TJPS P&C Association works in close partnership with our school to achieve the best possible outcomes for students and other stakeholders in the school community. We consult with the parent community, students, and school staff to identify the main needs of the school, and plan accordingly how best to meet those needs.

Some common things that we do to support our school:

  • Operating the school uniform shop.

  • Providing equipment, resources and facilities to the school.

  • Applying for grants or fundraising to cover the costs of a project at the school.

  • Hosting events ranging from easter raffles, movie nights, discos, and many more.

  • Running a school building fund for the construction or maintenance.

Reference Documents

TJPS P&C is an Incorporated Association.

Our constitution is prescribed by the NSW P&C Federation, and can be viewed here:

P&C Constitution

Please find below key P&C Reference Documents:

P&C By Laws (revised 2019)

P&C Fundraising Framework (established in 2011)

Code of Conduct (2023)

Grievance, Complaints & Disputes Procedures (2023)

Learning about P&Cs

If you would like to learn more about P&C Associations in NSW, check out the Federation of P&C Associations website. They offer a useful Resources section that covers topics like "What is a P&C association", "P&C membership" and others. They are a valuable resource for understanding how a P&C functions.