P&C Meetings & Minutes

P&C meetings are generally held on Tuesdays of Week 3 and Week 8 at 6:00pm. See below for the dates this year. Details regarding upcoming P&C meetings are usually published in the school newsletter or on the School Bytes App.

The Annual General Meeting is held in March each year. The P&C Facebook page and school newsletter will provide up-to-date information about P&C meeting dates.

All parents and carers of TJPS are welcome to attend.

Membership of the P&C is $1 per year. Only financial members may vote at P&C meetings.

Next Meetings:

Tuesday 11 Feb 2025 at TJPS

All meetings held at 6pm in The Junction Public School, Old School Hall - Music Room on Tuesdays of Week 3 and Week 8 of each term.

If you would like to send any agenda items, please email secretary @ junctionpandc.org with details about the item, and if possible attend to the meeting to speak on your agenda item.

2025 Meeting Schedule

Term 1

Week 3 | Tuesday 11 Feburary

Week 8 | Tuesday 18 March - AGM

Term 2

Week 3 | TBC

Week 8 | TBC

Term 3

Week 3 | TBC

Week 8 | TBC

Term 4

Week 3 | TBC

Week 8 | TBC