Linking parents & carers with our school.
The P&C is a volunteer-run organisation, supporting and working in partnership with the school & community.
We're the focal point for parent participation in the school and we warmly welcome all parents and carers.
At the P&C meetings, you will learn more about the school programs, meet staff and have an opportunity to contribute and have your say.
Come along and get involved!
Latest news & events
There’s always something in the planning at the P&C.
It’s the combined effort of
many P&C volunteers
… whether your role is
small or big …
that makes our school
an even better place.
What we do?
We focus on building a community around our school, improving the environment for our kids, and providing services for families.
Here are some of the things our volunteers do for the school community:
Uniform shop & second-hand uniform pool
Regular events & activities for our kids & community, such as mothers & fathers day breakfasts, Easter raffles, sausage sizzles, discos, movie nights etc.
Fundraising to improve school amenities
We’d love to hear your ideas for making our school an even better place.
Fundraising for our kids
Our P&C works closely with our school and community to identify the best ways to improve our school environment for all.
We rely on the support from all corners of our community: our families, local businesses, grants and more.
Read more below about our goals and progress in 2024.
Why join in?
P&C volunteers tell us they:
meet others in the community and make friends
feel satisfied helping the school and making it better for the kids
understand more about what happens at school
love seeing the kids’ happy faces and getting to know the teachers better
set a good example for their kids
Joining the P&C shows your children how much you value their education and how interested you are in what they do!
This is the website for the P&C. If you are looking for the school website it can be found at: