Tricky Talks 2024

TJPS P&C, along with Interrelate will be hosting a family seminar evening on Monday 26th August at the school hall.

Event Details

Monday 26th August - TJPS Hall

Session 1 - 6.15-7.15pm - Where did I come from?

Session 2 - 7.15-8.15pm - Preparing for puberty

Purchase Tickets through Flexischools, online now - $45 per family (both sessions included)

Bring your child/children to one or both sessions. Ticket price is per family, not per person.

Tricky Talks guides students and their trusted adults to kickstart open, honest communication about the years ahead. An engaging and interactive program, it encourages open dialogue about the reproductive system, foetal development including the birth process, puberty and the physical and emotional changes that come with it.

Safety, consent and protective behaviours are also covered, helping to develop a shared understanding of how to navigate this period of development together.

Session 1: 6.15pm - Where did I come from?
(Years 3 & 4)


  • To help children aged 8-10 years gain an understanding of the structure and functions of the reproductive system in males and females.

  • To provide information on conception (describing sexual intercourse, associated with love in the context of a caring relationship), foetal development and birth of a baby.

  • To provide opportunities for parents and children to discuss various aspects of reproduction in an informal way.

  • To reinforce the role of parents as a source of information on matters pertaining to sexuality and reproduction.


● Introduction ● Sexual intercourse & conception including assisted ● Family structure and family relationships ● Foetal development ● Male/female babies – which is which? ● Twin explanation ● Protective behaviours / Consent ● Birth ● Male/female reproductive systems ● Conclusion

Session 2: 7.15pm - Preparing for Puberty
(Years 5 & 6) (Years 3 & 4 at parent’s/guardian’s discretion)


  • To provide information on puberty for 10-13 year olds, in relation to the physical changes and emotional changes (in particular, helping them feel comfortable about their bodies and its functions; preparing them for the changes during puberty and dispelling the myths and providing accurate, understandable information).

  • To help young people feel okay about being different. Everyone develops at a different rate, especially during puberty.

  • To confirm their individuality and promote self-esteem.

  • To facilitate communication between parents and their children and encourage young people to take their questions, problems and concerns to their parents.


● Introduction ● Changes to boys only ● Revision of Session 1 / Consent ● Changes to girls only ● How, why and when of puberty ● Why are these changes happening? ● Physical and emotional changes to both boys and girls ● Conclusion

This event is hosted by the P&C but facilitated by the relationship experts, Interrelate.

For any enquiries about ticket pricing/purchasing or the event itself, please contact

For any enquiries about the course content, please contact Interrelate directly on 1300 473 528


Father’s Day 2024
